Renowned for taking a design-led approach to console design, Soundz Fishy introduces its new bucket system which accommodates Avid S6 modules into Euphonix System 5 frames. Called the Console Conversion System, it converts the Euphonix S5 or Fusion console into an Avid S6 control surface.
‘It’s a large format console layout which repurposes existing consoles in a budget-friendly way: it works on so many levels! ’ Glenn Haddock, Soundz Fishy
Paul Govey, Pinewood’s audio operations manager originally chose the Soundz Fishy buckets to create a hybrid set up between the Euphonix System 5 and the Avid S6. By replacing the remaining buckets with Soundz Fishy buckets, Pinewood have converted their Euphonix S5 console into a fully dual operated S6.
‘Initially, this was seen as a simple solution to extend the life of the Euphonix System 5. However, it quickly became apparent that the modular nature of the design provided much more flexibility when it came to console layout and maintenance. Our clients love the fact that we can pretty much build the console into any configuration they like.
The benefits of this system are widespread for all studios looking to upgrade their facilities.’